Personal Evangelism Header Kingdom Learning Network

Introduction: Personal Evangelism: 7 Keys To Success -
The material presented in this Bible Study Course is versatile and can be used in a variety of ways.

It is designed to facilitate teaching a small or medium sized class in a church environment, it can be used personally or to teach a Home Bible Study Class.

Either way, it contains a wealth of information on personal evangelism and discipleship.
What is Personal Evangelism?
The English word, “Evangelism” comes from the Greek word "Euaggelion" meaning "Bearer of Good News," from which we also 
derive the English word "Gospel."
At the heart of effective personal evangelism is the fulfilling of God's original command to "Be Fruitful, Multiply and Dominate the 
Earth." (Genesis 1:28)
More than anything else, success in personal evangelism rests on the quality of your fellowship with the Lord. 
Who you are and the life you live speaks more clearly than any words you might share with someone.
The bible says, "You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men." 2 Corinthians 3:2
Who you are speaks louder than what you say, therefore, the life you lead will have a greater impact on the people around you 
than all the scriptures you share with them.
Someone once said, "your life is the only bible some people will ever read!"
Freely Receive ~ Freely Give
Success in personal evangelism is based on several factors. Primarily, the quality of your fellowship with The Holy Spirit. Jesus 
said, Freely you have received; freely give. Matt 10:8
You cannot give what you have not received, so your priority in being an effective witness for Jesus is to continually receive all 
the love God has for you, so that it naturally and effortlessly overflows and impacts the lives of others.
You get this abundant supply by first receiving from the Lord all that He has for you and then ministering out of the natural 
overflow of that love.
In the gospel account, after God supplied food to feed the 5,000 there were 12 baskets full remaining after everyone was fed. 
Matthew 14:15-20
God always gives more than enough because that's His nature.
To minister effectively we must always serve from the overflow of the love we have personally received from God.
Why Should You Evangelize?
There is tremendous satisfaction and reward in leading someone into the kingdom of God.
The bible says, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise." Proverbs 11:30
It also says, "Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like 
the stars for ever and ever." Daniel 12:3
Every soul you lead into the kingdom of God is a seed you sow that will reap eternal rewards for you in the coming kingdom of 
Jesus Christ.
Benefits of Personal Evangelism
You gain several rewards for engaging in personal evangelism, some of which are listed below.
1) The divine glory you will manifest in your glorified body during the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth and throughout eternity.
Dan 12:3
2) The increased authority you will be given in the Kingdom of God as a wise master-builder and one who wisely invested the 
Gifts, Knowledge and Resources the Lord gave you. Luke 19:12-19
3) The satisfaction of knowing that you are bringing joy to heaven. Luke 15:10 
You literally bring joy to heaven when you win souls for God's Kingdom. (Luke 15:10) How will you feel being the instrument of 
Heaven's joy?
4) Sharing your faith with others strengthens your own faith and improves your quality of life.
As you consistently tell others about the love and grace of God you can't help but hear your own words as you speak and the 
bible says, faith comes by hearing the word of God. Rom 10:17
The more you tell others about Jesus the more your own faith increases.
5) Engaging in personal evangelism helps to fulfill the will of God in building His kingdom.
As we win souls for Christ we are populating the kingdom of God and hastening the second coming of the Lord which in turn
brings us closer to the Rapture and our own entrance into Heaven and the beginning of our eternal existence in the Paradise of God.